Change Room Challenges
I recently had an experience I would love to share with you.
Me, my son, some shorts and a change room.
We went out together to do some shopping. We went into H&M because it has adult and kids clothes. We picked out some shorts and tops.
We headed into the change room happy with what we had found, ready to try them on
And this is where it gets really interesting.
My almost 7 yr old son in the changing room trying on his items: 1. Puts clothes on 2. Looks in mirror, 3. Exclaims….”I look awesome!”
Me: 1. Puts clothes on 2. Looks in mirror 3. Exclaims…”Why is my butt so big?” “Why do are my legs so thick?”
I’m sure when I was his age I probably felt the same way and then somewhere over the years I’ve become conscious of having gained weight.
Concerned I no longer look a certain way. Or fit into a certain size.
Funny thing is I bought 4 pairs of shorts 1 is a size 6, 2 are a size 8 and 1 is a size 4. And they are all from the same store. Amazing, huh!
While I am determined to getting back to losing some body fat. I’m okay with how I look. I know I cannot heal the body that I’m not accepting right now. In order to make a change I need to accept where I am so I can move forward.
I need to acknowledge that I’ve gotten older. I’m going through menopause. And because of that what worked in the past doesn’t work now. And there is still some body fat that I would like to bring down.
And I can do this if I focus on accepting where I am. Recognizing how I got here.
Acknowledging what is and is not working. And then moving forward with a new plan to make changes. I have already lost the 20 lbs I gained when I started going through menopause.
However there is still some body fat I would like to lose. And I would like to develop more defined muscle and tone in my legs again.
There is a difference between losing weight and losing body fat percentage. And I will talk about that in another email.
Today though it’s about accepting how I look and if I don’t like it, focusing on what I need to do to change it.
The first step to change is always love and acceptance. You need to acknowledge that you need to change but beating yourself up about where you are does not help you to move forward. It tends to cause either anxiety or depression and you can’t move in a positive direction when you are there.i know I can’t.
If there is an area of your life that you’re not happy with try following these steps
1. Ask “How can I look at this situation without judging it, or me?”
2. Acknowledge the situation and look at it from a more loving standpoint.
3. Decide whether or not you want to commit to making a change.
4. Set a plan in place or have someone help you set a plan in place to start making changes.
Thanks for reading my story. Sometimes these things are hard to share. But I want you to know me, and to know that I’m always working on myself not just expecting you to.
Tell me what you think or if you’ve had a similar situation you’d like to share.