FACE IT FRIDAY - A Series about Courage

I wanted to share a powerful concept that has been on my mind lately. In John Steinbeck's East of Eden, there's a quote that really resonates with me:

"Now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good."

It's a reminder that the pursuit of perfection can often hold us back from taking the necessary steps forward.

But there's another layer to this—when you release the need to be perfect or even "good" by others' standards, you find the freedom to do what truly matters to you.

Today, let’s reflect on a couple of questions:

  1. Are you waiting for everything to be perfect before you start? Perfection can be paralyzing. The fear of not getting it right can stop you from making progress.

  2. Are you afraid of not meeting others' expectations? Letting go of external validation can liberate you. What steps can you take to define success on your own terms?

The essence of this message is that you don't have to get it right; you just have to get it going. The freedom from the need to be perfect can open up so many opportunities for growth and action.

I hope these thoughts inspire you to take that first step today, no matter how small it might be. Let’s embrace the freedom that comes with letting go of perfection and others’ expectations.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. How do you overcome the fear of imperfection and others' expectations?

Looking forward to reading your reflections.


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Mental Health Awareness and Stigma